
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Known Pleasures Ep 17 - The Stranglers
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Were The Stranglers an ageing punk band who Got A Grip On Themselves before turning Golden Brown, or just a bunch of brass-necked bovver boys with a yen for karating their way into trouble? Are they punk, post punk or are they just…The Stranglers?
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/user/1230971434/playlist/6KIehdHVAKygkExz42zRgQ?si=dJcn7vn2SOmsnshYIADeqA

Thursday Feb 21, 2019
Known Pleasures Ep 16 - Devo
Thursday Feb 21, 2019
Thursday Feb 21, 2019
From the 'Rubber Capital of the World' - Akron Ohio, these Spudboys in Ziggurat hats carved out a career in popular music by making the most uncompromising, angular, robotic tunes that really had disaster written all over them. But their rise to prominence coincided with the New Wave movement where to be unusual was the cool thing to be. So, what happened when they were through being cool?
Spotify Playlist Link : https://open.spotify.com/user/1230971434/playlist/1HYDPMbfqrpmBgpl2JCtnY?si=xZIqcPvMQO6OJqeX2aQ3PQ

Sunday Dec 30, 2018
Known Pleasures Ep 15 - Bauhaus
Sunday Dec 30, 2018
Sunday Dec 30, 2018
A group that persistently divided the critics, to some Bauhaus were brooding masters of edgy but elegant, choppy guitar-riffed bass-grooved masterpieces that spoke to the pain they felt amidst an uncaring world. To others, Bauhaus were wallies.
But while the band’s pitch-dark lyrics and highly charged theatrics were just a bit too preposterous for some to swallow, over the course of four diverse albums, and a host of memorable singles, vocalist Pete Murphy and his cohorts carved a substantial, high-cheekboned place for themselves in the post-punk firmament.
Spotify Playlist Link : https://open.spotify.com/user/1230971434/playlist/2R8lXLIhQ0wUEvaZedxXlw

Sunday Sep 02, 2018
Known Pleasures Ep 14 - Hunters & Collectors
Sunday Sep 02, 2018
Sunday Sep 02, 2018
Formed amid the frenzy of the Melbourne new-wave music scene, the brutal hypnotic tribal funk of this six-, or eight-, or 10-piece band (depending on when you saw them) was as massive and thrilling a sound as we’d ever heard. So, what was it all about? Pub-rock legends, or as big a disappointment as Australian post-punk has witnessed? Here we discuss the life and times of Hunters and Collectors.
Spotify Playlist Link: https://open.spotify.com/user/1230971434/playlist/1BVe58hBHgHs03CTeVhMOY

Friday Jun 08, 2018
Known Pleasures Ep 13 - The Clash
Friday Jun 08, 2018
Friday Jun 08, 2018
The Clash, perhaps more than any of the rest of the Class of ’77, seemed to be looking for a way out of punk almost from the start. In an era where it felt like music could actually change the world, they set about making themselves “the only band that mattered”. No band since has fought the law and won, like The Clash.
Spotify Playlist Link : https://open.spotify.com/user/1230971434/playlist/5L5XVvKBchXG6i76Hetf91?si=ekabH8EnTz-rtU1FOZJxcQ

Monday Apr 16, 2018
Known Pleasures Ep 12 - XTC
Monday Apr 16, 2018
Monday Apr 16, 2018
During the punk years there were many rules to follow. What to wear, what to listen to and what you should avoid listening to. Punk was an all encompassing lifestyle. But one band with one song proudly proclaimed that they played pop music and it opened the gates for many punk and new wave artists to embrace the catchy melodic chorus while still retaining a bit of aggression, a bit of quirkiness and the snotty punk attitude.
So let’s all go Meccanik Dancing with the brilliance that is XTC.
Spotify Playlist Link: https://open.spotify.com/user/1230971434/playlist/4Ocjc0kcFX5q3rnwqtM1Rd?si=oCLYpCEPR2uMB2X7tq16AQ

Wednesday Mar 07, 2018
Known Pleasures Ep 11 - Talking Heads
Wednesday Mar 07, 2018
Wednesday Mar 07, 2018
Despite their success, Talking Heads made a career out of never really fitting in. With no discernable image or direction apart from a desire to stand out, they emerged at the dawn of US punk, played the game their way – and won. How did these very original outsiders eventually Stop Making Sense and go on to triumph in their own Revenge of the Nerds?
Spotify Playlist Link: https://open.spotify.com/user/1230971434/playlist/1krZNaV4yj1VkLoVGhzRTA?si=3NuOPBqJTD6UsviQ3Ee8OA

Thursday Jan 25, 2018
Known Pleasures Ep 10 - The Human League
Thursday Jan 25, 2018
Thursday Jan 25, 2018
Forget the waitresses, forget the cocktail bars, forget the brilliantly simple chorus that ensured Don’t You Want Me would be a number one single around the world. While it’s understandable that many people’s memories of The Human League revolve around their global smash hit, for the real story we needed to go back to The Future. How did a bunch of sci-fi loving non-musicians from a grim industrial city in northern England help shape the destiny of popular music and sell millions of records along the way? Welcome to the peculiar world of The Human League.
Spotify Playlist Link: https://open.spotify.com/user/1230971434/playlist/6ut6s3tO080YsKYP5Mlpt6?si=5rnyxgwfSgWYXpTZgt3eFg